Governance Board Introduction Communication 3

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Governance Board Introduction Communication 3

Post by kathydeal »

What Will the Standing Committees Look Like?

The El Shaddai and Chrysalis standing committees will be formed like the Board with each class shall serve a 3-year term. Persons will be nominated for positions and voted into a role they will serve for the full 3 years. As communicated before, the two committees’ main responsibility will be to fill teams, mentor leadership at all levels in the community and put walks and flights on.
This does not mean that they will not have any say or input into financial and policy decisions as they will have standing membership at the Governance Board level with their Committee Chair (past terminology was Community Lay Director) and Spiritual Chair (previous terminology was Community Spiritual Director). This will draw more members of the community into leadership roles as the chairpersons fill their committees from a cross functional group from our Chrysalis and Emmaus programs.
To summarize the discussions on Governance Board and Standing Committees, here are the elected positions for each committee. First column is the Governance Board positions, the second is for the two standing committees.
Governance Board Positions Standing Committee Positions (Emmaus & Chrysalis)
Board Chair Committee Chair (Serves on Governance Board)
Board Vice-Chair Committee Vice-Chair
Past Chair Past Committee Chair
Secretary Registration Committee Chair
Treasurer Communication Committee Chair
Team Selection Chair Kitchen Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair Transportation Committee Chair
Agape Committee Chair Music/AV Committee Chair
4th Day Committee Chair Maintenance/Facilities Committee Chair
Community Spiritual Director Secretary
Spiritual Chair (Serves on Governance Board)
Spiritual Assistant (2 positions)

In future communications, we will share some the responsibilities these positions will have, a time line of events to get things in place for our November elections and an explanation of how we will make the transition from our current organizations to the new organizations (hint: it will be a three year process before all are comfortable in the new organization and how it functions.

Your Emmaus Board
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